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Moissanite Diamonds: How to Easily Identify Fake Ones

Moissanite diamonds have gained popularity in recent years as a more affordable alternative to traditional diamonds. However, with their rising popularity comes an increase in the number of fake moissanite diamonds on the market. It is important to be able to easily identify fake moissanite diamonds to ensure that you are getting what you pay for. In this article, we will provide you with simple tips for spotting imitations and help you make an informed purchase.

Identifying Fake Moissanite Diamonds: The Basics

Fake moissanite diamonds are often made from materials such as cubic zirconia or glass, which do not possess the same optical properties as genuine moissanite. By understanding the key characteristics of moissanite, you can easily differentiate between the real and the fake.

1. Refractive Index

Moissanite has a higher refractive index than diamonds, which means that it reflects light differently. To identify a fake moissanite, you can use a refractometer or simply observe how the stone reflects light. If the stone appears to be dull and lacks the brilliance of a genuine moissanite, it is likely a fake.

2. Dispersion

Dispersion refers to the ability of a stone to break light into its spectral colors. Moissanite has a higher dispersion than diamonds, meaning that it exhibits more fire and brilliance. To check for dispersion, shine a light source through the stone and observe if it displays a rainbow effect. If the stone lacks this colorful display, it is likely not moissanite.

3. Hardness

Moissanite is one of the hardest gemstones, second only to diamonds on the Mohs scale of hardness. This means that it is highly resistant to scratches. To test the hardness of a stone, try scratching it with a diamond or a piece of corundum. If the stone shows signs of scratching, it is not genuine moissanite.

4. Color

Moissanite diamonds are typically colorless or near-colorless, similar to diamonds. However, some fake moissanite diamonds may have a yellow or greenish tint. To ensure that you are getting a genuine moissanite, compare it to a known moissanite or use a diamond color grading chart for reference.

5. Price

While price alone is not a foolproof method for identifying fake moissanite, it can be a good indicator. Genuine moissanite diamonds are generally more affordable than diamonds, but still more expensive than most other gemstones. If a moissanite diamond is being sold at an extremely low price, it is likely a fake.


By familiarizing yourself with the key characteristics of genuine moissanite diamonds, you can easily spot imitations and make a confident purchase. Remember to assess the refractive index, dispersion, hardness, color, and price of the stone to determine its authenticity. Always buy from reputable jewelers and ask for a certificate of authenticity when purchasing moissanite diamonds. With these simple tips in mind, you can enjoy the beauty and affordability of moissanite diamonds without falling victim to fake imitations.

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